Friday 25 September 2015


Dengue has been the cause of many deaths in recent years. Cases of dengue fever are mostly evident in Asian countries. Dengue fever is a viral illness that is spread by dengue mosquito (Aedes aegypti). There are mainly 4 types of dengue virus that are the cause of dengue fever- Dengue Type 1, 2, 3 and 4.Since we have been habitual to have mosquito at home or in an around of our surrounding area, we don't give attention to the kind of risk that a mosquito might carry. It is always advisable to go for a checkup if you are noticing any kind of symptoms. Let's look at the symptoms that a dengue fever might carry:

Symtoms of Dengue

1. Extreme tiredness
2. Headache especially behind the eyes
3. Experiencing loss of appetite
4. Abdominal pain

Home Remedies for Dengue Fever

Iron rich diet: Iron rich diet helps in reducing anemia and fatigue that are caused by dengue virus.
Basil leaves: Basil leaves or tulsi helps to ward off dengue fever and other ailments. You can ideally take it with hot tea. Neem Oil: Applying neem oil on the affected areas provides relief from rashness. It comes with potent and strong antibiotic properties.

Papaya: Papaya has got intrinsic healing properties. They have proven to be very effective in healing sickness caused due to dengue fever.
Fenugreek: They are effective in reducing fever. One should consume it by soaking it overnight in a warm glass of water.

Chyvanprash: Chyvanprash consists of Ayurvedic herb that helps in boosting immunity and strengthening body

One can also include some food items in their daily life prevent or manage dengue fever
Orange: Orange is the best citrus fruit for dengue treatment

Orange juice consists of lot of energy and vitamins that promotes antibodies for fast recovery and is also helpful in digestion. Porridge: Porridge is considered the best food for the people who are suffering from dengue. They are easy to swallow and has got a lot of health benefits.

Herbal Tea: Herbal tea comes with detoxifying properties that removes toxic from the body and enhances immunity which is very helpful for dengue patients.
Herbal Remedies to lose weight Naturally

Obesity indicates a weight greater than what is considered as healthy. Extra body weight can increases the negative effects on their health. Overweight is quite common health problem these days among many people across the globe. Due to very busy, hectic schedule and lack of time people prefer junk, ready to eat, packed foods that causes impaired digestion and accumulation of fat. Ayurveda being a boon to mankind has a lot to offer in this condition. If we talk about some wonderful weight loss herbs, we can count – Vrikshamala, Mustak, Chitraka and Guggulu (Herbal Extract)

Vrikshamala is Garcinia cambogia that contains HCA (HYDROXY CITRIC ACIDS). It reduces the conversion of carbohydrates in to fat and prevent its accumulation.

Mustak is Cyperous rotundus which is known to possess fat burning properties. As mentioned by Charaka Acharya, mustaka herb pacifies thirst, removes all toxins out from the body and checks obesity.

Chitrak is Plumbago zeylanica which is known for its Deepan and Pachan properties in Ayurveda. Chitrak is wonderful herb to digest accumulated ama or toxins to clears the channels. It improves digestion and metabolism.

Guggul is Commiphora mukul which is a yellowish extract from tree, collected in its bark. Guggul contains guggulsterone (active components) that increases lipid metabolism, inhibits the formation of new fat cells and induces natural cellular death of fatty tissues.

Weight Loss Herbal Remedies from Dr Vikram Chauhan

Ayurvedic Treatment for ulcerative Colitis

Herbal remedies for ulcerative colitis from Always Ayurveda
Ulcerative Colitis - also called as Raktaj Atisaar in Ayurveda, is characterised by inflammation and scarring in the inner lining of the large intestines that leads to bloody diarrhoea. Ayurveda says that pitta dominant people are more prone to have with condition called ulcerative colitis.

Pitta vitiation causes production of ama (toxins) which accumulates in intestines and present with symptoms like abdominal pain, abdominal gas, acidity, fever, blood stained stools.Ayurveda believes that all the doshas of body – Vata, Pitta and Kapha should be in equilibrium stage to maintain health and body free from diseases. There are number of herbs explained in ancient ayurvedic books to balance pitta doshas and Rakta dhatu.

Arjun, Kutaj, Amalaki, Bilwa, Madhurika, Methika, Dhanyaka etc. are some of excellent herbs which help to correct the metabolism and improve digestive functions. With herbs Ayurveda suggests to opt for a natural diet, some effective home remedies and recommended life style.

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